Registration and setup
L1: Intro to Computational Neuroscience
T1: Fundamentals of Python (Anal)
T2: Exercises in Python (Emil)
L2: Morphologies and Cable Theory
T3: NEURON: Passive properties (Richa)
D1: RC circuit demo (~Nidhi/Prakriti)
Cultural Mix
L3: Ion Channels
T4: NEURON: Active properties (Harshith)
L4: Intro to Neuromodulation
T5: Modeling ion channels (Harshith), synapses (Richa)
L5: Intro to plasticity
T6: Modeling plasticity (Meha)
L6: Neuromodulation plasticity and behavior
L7: Calcium dynamics and synaptic plasticity
T7: Short term plasticity (Anal)
L8: Degeneracy
L9: Reinforcement learning
R1: (Blackwell)
L10: Neural Reinforcement Learning online
T8: Reinforcement Learning (Emil)
T9: Dynamical systems (Movitz)
T10: BRIAN:Abstract Neuron (Anal)
R3: (Peter)
T11: Modeling networks in BRIAN (Emil)
T12: MOOSE: Squid demo
D2: Electrical circuits and arduinos
R2: (Sho)